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H.B. Keller Colloquium

Monday, April 3, 2023
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Annenberg 105
Tales of Random Projections
Kavita Ramanan, Roland George Dwight Richardson University Professor, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University,

In several areas of mathematics, including probability theory, statistics and asymptotic convex geometry, one is interested in high-dimensional objects, such as measures, data or convex bodies. One common theme is to try to understand what lower-dimensional projections can say about the corresponding high-dimensional objects. I will describe how this line of inquiry leads to geometric generalizations of some classical results in probability. I will also touch upon some related results in the non-commutative setting, and their relation to some long-standing open problems in convex geometry.

For more information, please contact Diana Bohler by phone at 626-395-1768 or by email at