Computational Biology at Caltech is a vibrant area that encompasses methods development for biological data analysis, modeling of biological systems, and applications of computer science to biomedical problems. Numerous faculty in CMS work in the area of computational biology, and there are many strong interactions with faculty in other areas and divisions, notably the division of Biology and Biological Engineering which boasts a strong computational biology group. In particular, Anima Anandkumar and Yisong Yue develop machine learning algorithms that are applied to biomedical problems. Niles Pierce develops computational algorithms for the analysis and design of nucleic acid structures, and Lior Pachter develops methods for the development of genomics assays, and for the analysis of genomics data. Many other CMS faculty develop statistical, mathematical and computational methods that are applied to biological problems, including Andrew Stuart who works on the Bayesian formulation of inverse problems, Joel Tropp who studies theoretical and computational aspects of data analysis, and Matilde Marcolli who uses geometric and topological approaches to understand evolutionary processes. John Doyle works on theoretical foundations for studying complex network architecture in bio, neuro, and med applications with an emphasis on robustness, evolvability, and infectious hijacking. Strong interactions with Matt Thomson and David van Valen in the division of Biology and Biological Engineering complement computational biology activities within CMS.