Oscar P. Bruno
Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics
Lic., University of Buenos Aires, 1982; Ph.D., New York University (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences), 1989. Associate Professor, Caltech, 1995-98; Professor, 1998-. Executive Officer for Applied Mathematics, 1998-2000.
Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Numerical Methods. Computational Science (Computational Electromagnetics, CFD, Computational Solid Mechanics). Numerical Analysis. Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation. Mathematical Physics.
Prof. Bruno's work focuses on development of accurate, high-performance numerical PDE solvers capable of modeling faithfully realistic scientific and engineering configurations. Major theoretical and computational difficulties arise in associated areas of PDE theory, numerical analysis and computational science as a result of intricate and/or singular geometries as well as solution singularities, resonances, nonlinearities, high-frequencies, dispersion, etc. Recently developed Fourier Continuation (FC) and integral-equation techniques, which can successfully tackle such challenges, have enabled accurate solution of previously intractable PDE problems of fundamental importance in science and engineering.
- Gaggioli, E. L.;Estrada, Laura C. et al. (2024) Boundary-layer structures arising in linear transport theoryPhysical Review E
- Bruno, Oscar;Yin, Tao (2024) Multiple-scattering frequency-time hybrid solver for the wave equation in interior domainsMathematics of Computation
- Nesi, Vincenzo;Bruno, Oscar et al. (2023) Tidal drag and westward drift of the lithosphereGeoscience Frontiers
- Bauinger, Christoph;Bruno, Oscar P. (2023) Massively parallelized interpolated factored Green function methodJournal of Computational Physics
- Maust, Haydn;Li, Zongyi et al. (2022) Fourier Continuation for Exact Derivative Computation in Physics-Informed Neural Operators
- Gaggioli, E. L.;Bruno, Oscar P. (2022) Parallel inverse-problem solver for time-domain optical tomography with perfect parallel scalingJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
- Fontana, Mauro;Mininni, Pablo D. et al. (2022) Vector potential-based MHD solver for non-periodic flows using Fourier continuation expansionsComputer Physics Communications
- Bruno, Oscar P.;Hesthaven, Jan S. et al. (2022) FC-based shock-dynamics solver with neural-network localized artificial-viscosity assignmentJournal of Computational Physics: X
- Bruno, Oscar P.;Paul, Jagabandhu (2022) Two-Dimensional Fourier Continuation and ApplicationsSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
- Sideris, Constantine;Khachaturian, Aroutin et al. (2022) Foundry-fabricated grating coupler demultiplexer inverse-designed via fast integral methodsCommunications Physics
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